So you’ve just been told to buy some gymnastics hand grips. Amazing, cool, great… but you’re probably thinking a) what are they & b) where the heck do I buy them?
No stress we’ve got you covered, read on for a detailed account of each style.
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Artistic gymnastics hand grips, or commonly referred to as hand guards are made for use on the uneven bars, rings & high bar. They do simply that- they help you GRIP onto the bar & GUARD your hands from nasty blisters called “rips”.
The thing is, they come in all shapes and sizes and have different uses, which can be pretty overwhelming. And while it might be easier to just close your eyes and take a wild guess, it’s actually a safety item that needs proper consideration prior to purchasing.
Guards come in velcro, buckle or double buckle closures. This is entirely personal preference which closure you choose, but we always recommend to consult your coach beforehand incase they have a preference.
Let’s start at the start, with the beginner grips and work our way up.
These are for young children that need a simple barrier between the bar and their palm, to provide protection against blisters. Think monkey bars at school, or level 1-3 at gymnastics. These are a basic style of guard, and should only be used for basic skills. Not advised for advanced competitors or advanced skills.
Check out palm guards HERE
This is your next step up from palm guards. These will most commonly be your first ever pair of dowel guards at around level 4 gymnastics. These guards have a funny little bar at the top near the finger holes- this is called a dowel rod. If your coach tells you that you need dowel guards, start here. Beginner dowel guards have a thinner palm piece, which is perfect for smaller hands & easier to break in.
Check out beginner dowel guards HERE
Okay so you’ve had beginner guards before, you’ve grown out of them and now you’re ready for the next step up. You’re above level 4 in gymnastics and are used to the feeling of wearing guards on the bar. These guards have a wider palm piece than the beginner dowel guards, meaning you feel less of the bar. These guards may also last you a bit longer as they are a little harder to break in. These are the most common guards to be worn worldwide. You’ll see anyone from a level 6 gymnast to Olympic athletes wearing these.
Check out the Women's standard width guards HERE
These are the strongest gymnastics hand guards on the market, with a Kevlar centre. These guards are recommended for athletes in levels 8+ that are training large hours on bars each week. Having a Kevlar centre means they will be harder to break in or wear out, which is required when you’re using them so often. If you’re a beginner, these are not the guards for you.
Check out hyper pro-tec guards HERE
Mens guards are a pretty simple gig. There are guards for high bar & different guards for rings. It’s extremely important not to use these interchangeably as they are different guards that should only be used on their intended apparatus.
Check out mens high bar & rings guards HERE
If you still have no idea which gymnastics hand guards are for you, please get into contact with us so that we can recommend the best pair for your situation!
Phone: (07) 3245 2813
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